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Q: I'm afraid I'll buy a hot tub and never use it. How often do people use them?

A: Once you buy a hot tub or spa, it may well become an integral part of your lifestyle. For many people, they use their spas in the evening, before bed. Because spas relax you, relieve tired muscles and aching joints, and ready your body for sleep, they are excellent sleep aids.

Hot tubs are also wonderful family entertainment. Consumer research indicates that parents spend real quality time with their kids in their hot tubs. It's a chance to relax together, talk, and do something besides sit on the couch and watch television. Spas are also great in social settings. Imagine Saturday afternoon barbecues, evening get-togethers in your backyard, or weekend gatherings with your friends and family. And it's great for personal one-on-one time with your spouse or significant other.

Once your spa or hot tub is installed and set-up, it's simple to use. You just pull back the cover, turn on the jets, sink in, and relax. We believe that one massage session will be enough to convince you to use it regularly.

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